Student Strike/Boycott
The cost of education in Québec

CLASSE + CSN + CEQ +FECQ + FEUQ = Parti Québécois
Aubin: The rule of law is in grave danger | Montreal Gazette - 2012-05-23
Yesterday's (2012-05-22) student march celebrating the 100th day of rebuffing the rule of law continued to promote the students' effective message: “Our cause puts us above the law. The end justifies the means.”
The march advertises the idea that if you don’t like a law, ignore it.
"If there’s no respect for the rule of law, the law becomes that of the jungle."  (François Rolland, Chief Justice of Quebec Superior Court)
“When one no longer respects the laws of a free and democratic society, there is no democracy.” (Louis Masson, the head of the Barreau du Québec)
Josh Freed: Participation in strike shows linguistic divide - 2012-05-19 - (source)
Anglos aren’t as attached as francophones to Quebec’s large trade unions or to the Parti Québécois, which both strongly back the striking students and have used the strike to try to bring down the Charest government.
Over 80 per cent of anglos and allos see a university degree as the minimum needed for success, according to a Léger survey last April for the Gazette – but only 40 per cent of francophones do. In fact, many (francophones) choose trade degrees (sic - Josh meant to say diplomas) instead.
Many francophones also feel an emotional connection with politics in France – to the never-ending strikes, to the French Socialist Party that Quebecers don’t have to live under, and to French idealism about free state services like university tuition.
Most importantly, almost all English-speaking Quebecers have family and friends across Canada who are jealous of Quebec’s tuition. That’s because their kids pay from $5,000 to $6,000 in Toronto and Vancouver universities – and more elsewhere.
"If more anglophones (80%) than francophones (40%) believe that a university degree is necessary for success and practice what they preach, then, when they get the top jobs, you can't complain of prejudice."
"The protesters are a very small minority. The government does not need to bend to their will. They (= the politicians) listened, tried to negotiate, and the brats still wanted more."